Saturday, March 10, 2012

You Are In Control

There comes a time where enough is enough right? So, when we engage in social relationships despite the intimacy or depth of the connection we share with different people on different levels, we are in control of the pain people inflict on our lives.

Due to hurt and anger based on the infractions the people we share our lives with inflict, we want to point fingers and play the blame game. However, WE are in control of the pain we allow others to inflict in our lives.

True enough, the violating party 'must' take responsibility for their own actions, but we have the power to stop them from hurting us.

Abuse is abuse no matter how severe or minor it may appear, and it's 'not' okay on any level. But the key is becoming aware that you are in control of what people do in your life that hurts.

You want to give the people/person you love and care about he benefit of the doubt in hopes that they would change. However, when we learn who a person is based on how they respond or react toward us, we have to exercise compassion toward ourselves enough to stop the people/person from causing that mental, physical or emotional anguish.

Are you going to stand up today and stop the pain that is being inflicted in your life or are you going to continue making excuses for why it is okay for people to continue hurting you?

You are in control, take a stand in your life now and love yourself more then any person you have ever loved in your life.

- Lyfe Lessynz


  1. i can really relate to this.. and as i read it i'm still trying to fight for what i want in life..

    1. Sometimes what we want in life is merely that, a want. Somethings we really have to ask ourselves, "do I really need this to be happy?" Some things that we want we just don't need and that's why we never can obtain them, because we just don't need them.
