Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Life Challenges

Life is filled with all kinds of challenges. From the day you are born until the day you expire, you will face one challenge after the next. From the challenges of the birth process to the challenges of growing pains and beyond adulthood, you will either grow stronger from your life challenges or weaker.

I remember in the fall of 2008, I was a freshman in college and had just entered a world ethics course. My instructor was an amazing teacher and he introduced a term into the course discussion that gave me a new perception of problems and opportunities, he called them "probortunities."

He said, "When you come to that fork in the road and are face with a 'problem' in life, will you look at it as a problem or an opportunity?"  As I looked at the question on the monitor screen - being a full time online student - I had to put those critical thinking skills to the test.

Coming from a diversified walk of life, I always looked at my life challenges as problems; never opportunities. Yet, when posed with this question, it granted me a new perspective of how to look at the problems I encountered in my life.

I vaguely recall my instructor stating, "a problem is never a problem unless you make it into one." This is true. Are you going to "turn a mole hill into a mountain" or are you going to embrace the opportunity of a new challenge to overcome in your life?

From that day forward, there has not been a single challenge that I have not managed to turn into an opportunity of enlightenment, learning and growing.

You gain wisdom as you grow older, you learn who you are, where you want to go, and what you want out of life based on the challenges you encounter all your Life journey.

Are you going to look at your problems as blockage in your life and something you cannot overcome or are you going to take every problem as an opportunity to learn, grow, and challenge your greatest potentials?

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