Saturday, March 10, 2012

What Does YOUR Life Mean To You?

As we walk through life, we are learning each day who we are and who we want to become. Many people have strong family support systems or alternate external support systems that aid them through these multiple transitions in their lives.

But what about the people who don't have family ties or external support systems to aid them in their constantly transitioning walk of life? I am one of those people. However, I did not and not allow the circumstances and situations of my life to conform me or redefine who I am created to be.

I am about to branch out on a touchy area of life right quick, so please bear with me on this one. If life is about personal growth, learning to love and embrace yourself for who you truly are, and constantly redefining yourself to become the best that you can be, and to elevate above and beyond your current life condition, then why do we indulge in religion?'s the big question that gets every one's underwear in a bunch. I touch on this because LIFE is about spirituality not religion. I understand clearly that some people need a religious foundation to determine who they are, where they plan on going on their life journey, and most importantly improving their spiritual strength and quality of life.

On the other hand, religion comes with constant restraints of what you can and cannot do, how you are or should think of yourself and life, and why you should or should not be who you truly want and need to be for yourself. Don't get me wrong, I DO believe in a higher power and creator of all things. I do have moral standards and values that I have and do practice in my daily life. Yet, I don't feel the need to follow the leader on religious practices and beliefs.

If I am to develop into who I was created to be or need to be, I cannot find that inner being with religious, theoretical and methodological views constantly flowing in and out of me on a daily basis, I have lived a severely diversified life, and still do in may instances. However, what my life has brought me through does not define who I am...I do.

SO, if in this life we are to be who we truly are created to be then we need to tap into the universe and meditate through spiritual alignment, chakra healing and healthy eating  finalized with daily exercise. Life is too short to allow others to conform our thought processes into what they want it to be, and to persuade us into being something other then what makes us happy. Because the reality is, our lives are about us....not anyone else.

- Think about it, and share your views.


  1. I am in agreement with You... And have been on My Path for sum time now.. The most upsetting thing that I encounter is the (You crazy) look from My own family.. They've known Me My whole life and think that My views are out of the blue.. They've witness the changes I've been goin through and most important know Me, so it just boggles the hell out of Me when I get those reactions....

    1. Well Mehen, I come from a very dysfunctional family lol. My mother and father are Nicheren Buddhists, my grandmother was first Baptist then Catholic, and everyone else does what they choose with their religious beliefs. I on the other hand chose the path to Spiritual Enlightenment. I have learned on my journey to not grant people the power over my emotions based on how I choose to live my life for ME. The most important thign ist hat you make yourself happy and live your life for YOU. :)
