Friday, April 6, 2012

Seek Divine Direction

In today's busy world, we are used to getting things in record time. We get our food fast, we relate to people from different time zones in real time via email and instant messaging. Everything is ordered, delivered and expected in a rush and if our demands are not met on time, we complain or take our business elsewhere.

In today's reading, David's men were distraught. The troop had returned to camp to find their homes destroyed, their family and possessions taken away. They were close to stoning David. At that moment, it would have been easy to react hastily under pressure. Perhaps he was tempted to lash out at the men, as he too had suffered loss, or he could have made rash promises of victory and restoration to them.

Instead David did what we must do in our everyday lives. He simply inquired of the Lord. He did not assume victory or conclude that going to fight was the best and only option, He let God decide.

You cannot have a successful journey in life without seeking divine direction in your endeavours. You must yield to the leading of the Holy Spirit in your life to direct and guide you; He will never lead you astray.

He is the divine navigator, follow His lead today.

Return To The Potter

Intelligent Design is the understanding that the complexity, beauty and composition of this world is the work of an intelligent mind as opposed to a random, non-purposeful chain of events. Creationists believe that this Intelligent Designer is God.

The Bible tells us that God is our Potter and we are the work of His hands, products of His labour. A Potter shapes the clay, fires it and then glazes it in order to design different objects for the desired purpose. A ceramic vase is designed with its unique purpose in mind, to hold flowers.

In the same way, God, your Intelligent Designer and perfect Potter knows just what purpose you were created for. You are the work of His hand and only in His hands, can you be moulded, fired up and shaped to fulfil His desired will for your life.

If you want to leave your footprints on the moon, you must return to God, the Potter and ask Him to show you what destiny He had in mind when He was creating you. Submit to His shaping and moulding. Allow Him to fire you up.

Relent in absolute surrender to His decoration and beautification of your life for His glory.